Outstanding performance by Project Mala students in scholarship exams
When it comes to performance and results, the students of Project Mala consistently exceed our expectations...
Read moreProject Mala was founded in 1989 as an action programme for the abolition of child labour in the hand knotted carpet industry in India. We provide education for children in the carpet weaving belt. Our programme includes education up to secondary school level and healthcare facilities. 80% of the funding comes from individual child sponsors.
Contact UsWhen it comes to performance and results, the students of Project Mala consistently exceed our expectations...
Read moreAnne Gilmour, Education Trustee, describes her initiatives to encourage children to enjoy reading stories...
Read moreAll the Project Mala team wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025.
Read moreAnne Gilmour, Education Trustee, describes one of the ways she brings out the best in the children...
Read moreThe Indian Talent Olympiad has recently ranked Project Mala School among the top 1,000 schools in India out of a pool of 150,000...
Read moreAs is customary each year, we received 3121 applications, with 2635 coming from external applicants seeking admission to our schools...
Read moreIn Class 12, all 41 Project Mala students attained a pass mark in the 1st division. The results were exceptional but one student, Rajnandini, ...
Read moreOver the past few years the Indian government has brought in a universal national ID card which, together with a more rigorous system for registration of births...
Read moreWe are pleased at the increasing number of visits sponsors and supporters are making to our schools. Recently we have Lauren from Totzke Ltd, a corporate patron and Siddhartha Bose...
Read moreIt is with great pride that we announce our second position among 396 schools in Varanasi District...
Read moreThis is a writeup by one of our visitors, Mr Ben Garland, who spent a few days in our schools at the end of last year...
Read moreAfter a scorching summer (45 degrees), our children have returned to school. This year, Uttar Pradesh experienced one of the hottest summers on record and so different to the day we held our admissions...
Read moreAs we have had to make the decision to focus on the most able children from the poorest homes in the districts that our schools serve...
Read moreFor those sponsors who also follow us on facebook, you will have seen this lovely film the children did of their teachers...
Read moreThe young artist who drew the picture is Rajnandini. She joined our Hasra primary school in 2014.....
Read moreSunita was a pupil of our Guria school where she made it all the way through to grade 12 and passed out with flying colours.....
Read moreIn particular, how both children and parents appreciate quality education and how we still have far more applications than places....
Read moreYou will be pleased to know that all the schools are now fully operational again after the disruption caused by Covid...
Read moreSibu Ali decided that the best way he could show his gratitude to his old school was by conducting a hairdressing camp. He hired three local barbers and the equipment...
Read moreOur students have suffered badly through the pandemic, from the school closures and the difficulty of continuing to study at home with limited technology and teacher contact...
Read moreAs we do not have the resources to keep every pupil from primary school through to class 12 graduation, we have to set competitive exams in classes 5, 8 and 10 to select which students will most benefit from the limited number of places...
Read moreIt has been very difficult to enrol the students this year because of the lockdown. We were given some relaxation in early 2021 but it is not enough to complete all the admission process...
Read moreAlthough locally there seem to have been few documented cases of Coronavirus, the school is taking health and safety very seriously....
Read moreWe are very grateful to all our supporters who made the fundraising on the Christmas Challenge a success....
Read moreDeepali joined Project Mala in primary school in 2011 and it was immediately apparent that she was particularly talented...
Read moreThis year the Christmas Challenge is supported by a number of well known celebrities...
Read more DonateThis App will enable sponsors to see profiles, photos, family details and reports, all without having to visit our website...
Read moreIt is always a pleasure to write about children who make good use of the education we provide, to the benefit of themselves and their families. ...
Read moreIf that sounds as if our staff are managing their remote teaching effortlessly, and with the help of up-to-date technology, let me tell you just what a struggle it has been for teachers to help their students with their studies throughout the pandemic...
Read moreKavita is a bright child from a very poor family and in so many ways epitomises the type of children we are trying to help. She is ambitious for education but unfortunately her parents do not recognise the importance of educating girls. ...
Read moreMost children, when they join us, have only ever heard their parents and grandparents speaking the local village dialect and consider even Hindi a foreign language...
Read moreIn the beginning, Project Mala only offered three years of primary education, so pupils left us after completing class five. Recently a past pupil from those early days, a boy called Sibu, wrote to our Facebook site...
Read moreEach year when we invite children to apply for a place in our schools, we also take the opportunity to collect more information on the children and their families in the 80 villages in our catchment area...
Read moreThe lockdown in most countries is proving difficult,but it hits the poorest people far worse. For people in India who exist below the poverty line, life has suddenly become much more challenging...
Read moreSchools across the country were told to close immediately, so with little time to organise things, we sent the children home and began to prepare the staff for a long period of isolation...
Read moreThese are strange times here at Project Mala Schools,India. As the Corona Virus plays havoc with the social and economic structure of India, foreign visas suspended,travel discouraged and all schools closed for the near future, it seemed impossible that anything more could happen to disrupt the beginning of the new academic year....
Read moreAlthough society is changing in India and in the cities girls are getting the same opportunities as boys, here in rural Uttar Pradesh life in the villages continues much as it has for hundreds of years...
Read moreOn Saturday 13th June we are holding a special curry dinner in the historic Tithe Barn, York.Anil, CEO of Project Mala, India, and Diptiman, IT and website development expert, will also demonstrate the new Mala App...
Read moreAs 2019 is the second year we have had children passing out of class 12 capable of going on to IIT (India Institutes of Technology) courses...
Read moreModern technology is rapidly expanding our communication network. One of the ways we are now using is social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram....
Read moreOne of our long term Indian supporters, Obeetee, is holding an exhibition of their new collection of hand woven rugs in London and has asked if we can give a talk to their customers on the work of Project Mala....
Read moreAs part of our commitment to being a child centred organisation, each Project Mala school has a school council...
Read moreIn July we wrote that we were worrying about a lack of water, as the school wells ran dry and we were forced to resort to bringing tanks of water in by lorry. ...
Read moreMala schools are experimental in nature and innovative in style. One of the greatest innovations has been to establish pre-schools for girls. This has been a great success with the girls from pre-school doing exceptionally well in the primary entrance exams...
Read moreWe would like to mark the passing of Mr Edward Oakley, a long term friend and financial supporter of Project Mala...
Read moreRecently our newspapers have been full of the heatwave in Europe where temperatures are said to be reaching mid 40°C. In India it is normally very hot in June but this year has set new records with temperatures regularly hitting 50°C. This has brought renewed problems for the running of our schools...
Read moreEach year we seem to have more children to disappoint. This year was no exception with well over 3,000 children applying for just 547 places. ....
Read morePradeep is the Mala student who has been attending Foremarke Hall (Repton’s Preparatory School) in the UK since September 2018....
Read moreInflation in India has been with us for many years but the increasing strength of the pound, has offset this...
Read moreThe main aim of Project Mala is to enable underprivileged children in rural India to lift themselves out of poverty...
Read morePradeep started at Foremarke in September 2018 and his first term report has just been published.
Read moreThe opening of the secondary school at Patehra was a major milestone in the development of Project Mala.
Read moreRecently Mukesh Dubey, Education Officer for Project Mala schools, sent me some photos of a group of senior pupils who had recently left school after their class 12 exams...
Read more