Schools Link

Schools Link

Schools link is an opportunity for your school or class within a school to engage in a real working project in Uttar Pradesh, India. It offers a chance for your students to understand the lives of the children in rural India, not just as onlookers but as friends and partners in an exchange. It makes it possible for your students to learn about another country and culture in a way that allows them to understand what life is like for these children and share some of their own experiences.

How it works

Take on a schools link sponsorship for a year and you will receive:

Project Mala

An introductory package containing a profile of the class you are sponsoring, in accordance with your preference, information about Uttar Pradesh and the district where your sponsored school is located.

Project Mala

A map of a local village with photographs of important items shop, Temple, water pump pond etc. Also included will be information about the school, the class, homeClass Ambassador life, family, friends and interests, together with some photos of the children and their teacher.

A class Ambassador will be allocated to you who, together with the Sponsorship Secretary in India will co-ordinate the flow of information to you.

What you get

Each term, or more often if you require, you will receive a package containing a letter from the Ambassador, information about recent class and school activities and letters, drawings and photos from the children in the class. Information and more detailed explanations can be requested. We also would encourage visits where we will be able to help with the planning and accommodation.

In return we would like schools to raise money to support our schools in India: We would suggest £100 as an initial joining fee with as much as can be raised later in the year as the total running cost of Project Mala schools is funded by voluntary donations Corresponding photos and information about your school would be welcomed as this can be used to further the children's knowledge of English.

How to start

To start, you need to fill in the enquiry form below to tell us your preference for the class level Primary, Middle or Secondary school. We also need the contact person’s details and an email address.

If you need more information send us an email to or ring us on 01904 786880

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